Post by MirkwoodArcher on Feb 17, 2004 12:14:58 GMT
anybody pen
babe, infant laes
bearer cyll
betrayer gwarth
bride dineth, dîs
bridegroom daer
brother (by blood) muindor, tôr
brother (sworn, foster or close associate) gwador
carpenter, builder, wright thavron
child hên
clann or family noss
daddy ada
daughter iell, sell
dwarf hadhod, naug, naugol, nogoth, anfang
eavesdropper lathron
elf edhel
elf-friend elvellon
elf of the Great Journey (ie, everyone but the Avari) calben
elf of the west (ie Beleriand) dúnedhel
dark elf mornedhel
forsaken elf (ie, one of the Falathrim) eglan, egol
green elf laegel
elf (maiden) elleth
elf (male) ellon
elf (Noldor) lachenn
elf (Teleri) teler, glinnel
elf (Vanyar) miniel
enemy coth, gûd
ent onod
faithful one sador/sadron
father adar
fellowship govannas
follower aphadon/echil
forester tauron
friend mellon
friend (female) meldis
friend (male) meldir
halfling perian
harper talagan
heir hîl
hero callon, thalion
household herth
human echil, firen
hunter faron, faroth, feredir
husband hervenn
judge badhor, badhron
king âr, aran, taur
kinsman.kinswoman gwanur
lady brennil, hiril, heryn
lampwright calardan
lord brannon, hîr
lover seron
lover (female) melethril
lover (male) melethron
magician gollor
maker ceredir
man adan, benn, dîr
man of the west dúnadan
master herdir
mayor condir
mortal fair, fíreb
mortal maiden fíriel
mortal man firion
mortal woman firieth
mother naneth
mummy nana
mountaineer orodben
noble arphen
orc orch
parent m/f odhron (m)/odhril (f)
pedlar, trader bachor
pilgrim, wanderer randír
potter cennan
prince caun, cund, ernil
queen bereth, rîn, rîs
rider rochon, rochben
rider of Rohan rochir
ruler caun
sailor cirion
shipwright círdan
sister (by blood) muinthel, thêl
sister (sworn, foster or close associate) gwathel
slave mûl
slayer dagnir
son ion, iôn
swordsman magor
troll torog
twin gwanunig (pair of twins gwanur)
tyrant bauglir
vassal bŷr
warrior maethor
watcher/guard tirn
weaver nathron
wife hervess
wizard curunír, ithron
woman adaneth, bess
young woman dess
babe, infant laes
bearer cyll
betrayer gwarth
bride dineth, dîs
bridegroom daer
brother (by blood) muindor, tôr
brother (sworn, foster or close associate) gwador
carpenter, builder, wright thavron
child hên
clann or family noss
daddy ada
daughter iell, sell
dwarf hadhod, naug, naugol, nogoth, anfang
eavesdropper lathron
elf edhel
elf-friend elvellon
elf of the Great Journey (ie, everyone but the Avari) calben
elf of the west (ie Beleriand) dúnedhel
dark elf mornedhel
forsaken elf (ie, one of the Falathrim) eglan, egol
green elf laegel
elf (maiden) elleth
elf (male) ellon
elf (Noldor) lachenn
elf (Teleri) teler, glinnel
elf (Vanyar) miniel
enemy coth, gûd
ent onod
faithful one sador/sadron
father adar
fellowship govannas
follower aphadon/echil
forester tauron
friend mellon
friend (female) meldis
friend (male) meldir
halfling perian
harper talagan
heir hîl
hero callon, thalion
household herth
human echil, firen
hunter faron, faroth, feredir
husband hervenn
judge badhor, badhron
king âr, aran, taur
kinsman.kinswoman gwanur
lady brennil, hiril, heryn
lampwright calardan
lord brannon, hîr
lover seron
lover (female) melethril
lover (male) melethron
magician gollor
maker ceredir
man adan, benn, dîr
man of the west dúnadan
master herdir
mayor condir
mortal fair, fíreb
mortal maiden fíriel
mortal man firion
mortal woman firieth
mother naneth
mummy nana
mountaineer orodben
noble arphen
orc orch
parent m/f odhron (m)/odhril (f)
pedlar, trader bachor
pilgrim, wanderer randír
potter cennan
prince caun, cund, ernil
queen bereth, rîn, rîs
rider rochon, rochben
rider of Rohan rochir
ruler caun
sailor cirion
shipwright círdan
sister (by blood) muinthel, thêl
sister (sworn, foster or close associate) gwathel
slave mûl
slayer dagnir
son ion, iôn
swordsman magor
troll torog
twin gwanunig (pair of twins gwanur)
tyrant bauglir
vassal bŷr
warrior maethor
watcher/guard tirn
weaver nathron
wife hervess
wizard curunír, ithron
woman adaneth, bess
young woman dess